Update to COSS Recertification Event
Following a review of COSS Recertification Event by Network Rail Training and Technical Authority an updated version of the event is being launched on the 27th of June 2023. The following is applicable to you as Sentinel Sponsors.
Please inform any individual attending the course from the 27th June 2023 of the following points. There is no change to the mandatory pre-requisite requirements currently in place.
- It must be emphasised that the COSS recertification event is not a training course. Individuals are expected to attend the recertification event prepared to sit the knowledge and practical assessments.
- During the event there will be opportunities for discussion (based upon the revision described below) along with relevant exercises relating to Non-Technical Skills, Behaviours and Human Factors
- The ‘Verification Assessment’ has been removed, no one will be sent away from the course prior to sitting the knowledge assessment
- Please advise any individual attending the COSS recertification event that it is strongly advised that they revise/research the following areas prior to attendance at the event as these are discussed during the event:
- GERT8000 Rulebook for COSS roles
- NR/L2/OHS/019 and associated modules
- NR/L2/CTM/021
- NR/L2/OHS/501 and associated modules
- NR/L3/OPS/084
- NR/L2/OHS/020
- NR/L2/OHS/00130
- Walking on or near the line
- Working with Trolleys
- Runaway risk
- Safety Critical Communications
- Safety Leadership
For any further queries please contact sentinelcommunications@networkrail.co.uk