Scheme Documents
RISQS documents
Here you’ll find all the documentation needed by RISQS members: guides to getting started, our rules, requirements and protocols, and terms and policy documents.
Please contact us if you have any questions about RISQS documentation or governance.
Scheme Documentation
Scheme Governance Documents
Audit protocols - for audits
- RISQS-AP-002 Sentinel Rev 6
- RISQS-AP-003 SWP Rev 5
- RISQS-AP-004 (POS) Rev 4
- RISQS-AP-006 Medical Screening Rev 5
- RISQS-AP-007 Alcohol and Drug Testing Rev 6
- RISQS-AP-018 On Track Plant Rev 2
- RISQS-AP-019 CDM Rev 3
- RISQS-AP-027 Non-trackside Sentinel Rev 3
- RISQS-AP-028 CORE Operational Railway Services Rev 2.1
- RISQS-AP-029 CORE Non Operational Railway Services Rev 2
- RISQS-AP-030 Principal Contractor Licensing Rev 1
- RISQS-AP-031 Alcohol and Drug Analysis Assessment Requirements Rev 1
- RISQS-GD-004 Guidance On Audit Calculation Rev 4
T&Cs and policies
Network Rail Modules
For more information about The Railway Industry Commodity Classification List (RICCL) and its product and service codes, see our RICCL section.